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"Setting the world to rights"...one blog at a time! Plus anything else that comes to mind

Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

Here we are, a couple of days away from The Wedding. We're all on overload from the media coverage, in depth speculation on all aspects of the wedding, endless forecasts on what the dress will look like, what colour the bridesmaids will be wearing and so on and so forth. It's irritating because instead of adding to the enjoyment it actually makes us weary of the whole business.

Sadly, that is normal these days, everything is analysed to death. What is actually distasteful is the number of people who seem to want to deliberately ruin the day in one way or another. Those who are planning to protest and cause trouble for something perhaps only they feel strongly about. Those who object to the cost to the public without considering the earnings from souvenir sales and tourism. They see nothing wrong in spoiling the day for everyone else and completely forget it's a wedding. A marriage between two people. How would they feel if their wedding was disrupted by strangers for their own purposes?

Then there are those who cynically dismiss the whole business as a way to placate the masses in difficult times. So what if it's being used to give us a 'feel-good' factor! These ARE tough and disturbing times, what does it matter if we use the occasion to have some fun?

Our family is hosting a 'Wedding Breakfast' buffet on Friday evening. Family, friends, all getting together to enjoy each other's company and have a good time. The house, the table, decorated up in red, white and blue. Bunting, balloons, the whole kit and kaboodle. We will carry the brunt of the catering but everyone is bringing something to the table, sharing the work. Shamelessly over the top celebrations and patriotism. We'll be a mixture of royalists and those who can take or leave the whole business but even the most indifferent is welcoming the excuse for a gathering and a chance to celebrate and to know that all round the country are others are doing the same, as a nation.

It would be nice if the cynics, just for once, could let it go and allow the rest of us to enjoy ourselves in peace. Wouldn't it be nice if the give and take, tolerance and co-operative attitude being brought to parties around the country could be extended beyond just the one day, could spread to everyone on this island?

Fairytale wedding or am I just away with the fairies? Don't know, don't care, I'm just holding out for a Happy Ever After for us all.


  1. Consider yourself lucky. The U.S. has sent a slew of television hosts over to cover the event. It took less than a day for them to wear out the hapless Brit or two they were fortunate enough to corner. Since then - with hours of airtime to fill, they have been endlessly interviewing each other!

    j bunny

    So ... what are you having to eat?

  2. Mmm, fresh whole salmon, baby new potatoes dripping with butter, Mediterranean bell pepper salad and a fresh green salad including young asparagus, broad beans & peas, prosciutto....washed down with champagne to toast the happy couple, and each other!

    The others are working on desserts but I won't find out what they are until they get here.
